Thursday, February 28, 2013

Erica Haney named 2012 Top 50 Honorable Mention for US Kids Teachers

Recently recognized as an Honorable Mentioned Top 50 Kids Teacher for 2012 at the annual PGA Show.

I would like to thank US Kids Golf for selecting me as a Top 50 Kids Teacher Honorable Mention and honoring my dedication to making an impact through developing the game of golf among youth.

I would also like to thank all the juniors I have had the opportunity to coach and all the parents for your confidence in me as your child's instructor and trust in the junior programs.

- Erica Haney

Friday, February 22, 2013

2013 Upcoming events!

The nice weather has gotten everybody amped up for the 2013 golf season!

The Spring Academies will start the week of April 28, and will continue to run every 6 weeks through summer.

New classes and programs will also be offered, so please check back periodically. One of these classes will be one that runs the for the month of April that I am looking forward to! Details to come soon.

This year registration for all events will be online. Thank you to those of you who have already expressed an interest in signing up for your patience. Getting everything online is a bit tricky, but will pay off in the end!

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. As soon as everything is set to go online, I will let you know.