We are pleased to announce a new Fall Junior Golf Program for young golfers:
A Junior League and a Junior Golf Academy.
The Junior League association is designed to give young players the opportunity to play on the golf course in a fun and competitive environment, while learning basic rules, course etiquette, and good sportsmanship. Junior League will take place Saturday mornings, and in some cases Friday evenings. Juniors can sign up for the days they would like to participate on, and how many holes they would like to play based on their level (3, 5, or 9 holes). We can help determine how many holes are appropriate for each individual junior to play. We encourage beginning juniors to also participate as they can play 3 holes, in a less competitive format, build new friendships with other juniors, and realize golf is a fun lifetime sport.
The junior league membership fee is $30, includes a tee prize, a range card for the rest of the year and reduced rates for playing privileges outside of the scheduled league days. Each league day they would like to participate in will be $8.00, collected in advance for the days they sign up for, or weekly. We ask that parents volunteer some dates to walk along with a group and assist in keeping score.
As a member of the Junior League, the junior will be able to participate in the Parent-Junior scramble (parents can be substituted for a grandparent, relative, or family friend), and the Fall Junior Club Championship.
The Fall Junior Golf Academy is an after-school program designed to give juniors the correct tools to become successful golfers in an enjoyable and exciting atmosphere that fosters learning. Instruction given by PGA teaching professional Erica Haney. It is an 8-week program, where you can choose the night and time that best suits your schedule and attend the same grouping for each of the 8 weeks. The slots to pick from are Monday nights, 4-5:00 or 5:30-6:30, or Wednesday nights, 4-5:00, or 5:30-6:30. The number per class is limited, so sign up soon. If these nights/times do not work for your schedule, please let us know, and we can create another one as long as there are enough students willing to enroll in it (3+).
A sample of topics covered: putting, short game – chipping & pitching, full swing – with irons & woods, driving, on course playing, and rules & etiquette.
As a member of the Junior League association, discounted rates are applicable.
A similar Preschool Junior Golf Academy is also available, for more details see attached.